Doing Business

Port Services and Responsibilities

The Port offers economical, efficient, and safe handling of freight at its facilities with the services of its terminal operators and tenants and the support of the banking, insurance, transportation and freight forwarding industries of the metropolitan Chicago area. Any commodity can be moved through the Port of Chicago economically and efficiently to anywhere, from anywhere, anytime.


Tonnage from all over the world comes into the IIPD. In addition, practically every barge carrier serves the Port terminals with all types of equipment such as open top, covered, and liquid commodities equipment suitable not only for the inland waterways but also for direct service to and from other Great Lakes ports.

Midwest shippers particularly appreciate the economy of using Chicago rather than overland transportation to a coastal port, which saves them money.


The IIPD has unsurpassed terminal and rail switching services. Twelve main line railroads in the Chicago rail hub feed into selected terminals. All the major railroads serving the Chicago area have reciprocal switching arrangements. Line haul movements to and from the area by one carrier and service to the specific IIPD terminal by another is accommodated without extra switching charges for shippers or consignees. No Great Lakes port can match the IIPD's rail service.


Approximately 600 line haul and local cartage carriers provide the full range of motor services. Many carriers maintain independently published tariffs so they meet individual shipper needs promptly at the lowest possible cost. Many truckers can provide overnight service from points throughout the Midwest.

The IIPD is strategically located located at the convergence of the three largest interstate highways of the nation which makes the IIPD the most accessible port for transloading and multi-modal distribution in the heartland of America.

RFP/Procurement Opportunities

Infrastructure Sustainability & Climate Resiliency Plan
First Addendum - infrastructure Sustainability & Climate Resiliency Plan

Leasing Opportunities

If you are interested in pursuing a leasing opportunity with the Illinois International Port District please complete this application and return it to [email protected]. A member of the IIPD staff will be in touch with you shortly.

Current Leasing Opportunities

Storage Shed
Grain Silos


The Illinois International Port District operates under strict Homeland Security requirements imposed by:

the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U. S. Transportation Safety Administration the U.S. Coast Guard-Marine Safety Unit, Chicago which is responsible for executing the Coast Guard’s port safety and security, marine environmental protection, and commercial vessel safety missions under the auspices of the Department of Homeland Security.

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With the passage of the Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA), Title I: Maritime Transportation Security, Sec. 102: Port Security, November 25, 2002, “any structure or facility of any kind located in, on, under, or adjacent to any waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States” is required to conduct a vulnerability assessment and prepare and submit a security plan to the Secretary of Homeland Security based on the assessment.

Due to the vulnerability of the Port District with respect to commercial vessels, many flying foreign flags, the U. S. Coast Guard continually monitors and assesses port infrastructure and personnel issues and conducts periodic audits with the Port Facility Security Officer to ensure that all requirements are being met and maintained.

Port Security Provisions New port security provisions were introduced in Congress, and a number of new laws were passed to improve security of U.S. ports, such as: 

  • Additional requirements for maritime facilities
  • Creation of the Transportation Worker Identification Credential
  • Establishment of interagency operational centers for port security
  • Port Security Grant Program
  • Container Security Initiative
  • Foreign port assessments
  • Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism

The IIPD takes very serious our security responsibilities in the protection of the marine terminals and all port district property. Our security measures assist and strengthen the transportation security network which helps maintain a secure national transportation system.

Foreign Trade Zone #22

The Illinois International Port District controls the only Foreign Trade Zone, FTZ No. 22, in the Chicago region.  FTZ 22 operates under the Alternative Site Framework, which allows it a broader service area.  The IIPD is allowed to establish, operate, maintain and lease up to 2,000 acres of activated sites and subzones.  These sites can be located anywhere within the service area with approval, but must be within 60 miles or a 90-minute drive of the IIPD.  Under these parameters the map below shows the FTZ 22 service area which includes the counties of: Cook, Du Page, Grundy, Kankakee, Kendall, Lake and Will, as well as portions of McHenry and Kane counties.      

Foreign Trade Zones are secure areas designated for U.S. Customs and Border Protection supervision located in or near ports of entry.  They are areas where imported merchandise can be handled prior to formal entry and duty payment.  FTZ's have notable advantages for companies importing goods or manufacturing goods with imported components.  

For more information and how to apply for an FTZ please visit the U.S. International Trade Administration.
For FTZ charges, rules, regulations,
click here.

Port Tariff Schedule

Governing Use of Facilities and Services Issued by ILLINOIS INTERNATIONAL PORT DISTRICT

3600 East 95th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60617


Current Projects

Butler Drive Rehabilitation Project

Illinois International Port District Tenants